I’ve been nomadic for over a year, since 8th September 2016. In that time, I managed to spend nine solid months travelling in the Astro, ten months if you include my initial border run to Canada, which was really a test trip. The other time was spent faffing around in Germany then having some quality…
Category: Astro Tracks
Tuesday 3rd October – Home.
I woke up just as early as Mum, around 7am and I was ready to get up and clear the cold symptoms from my body with a hot shower. I had an extended session under the scalding water and felt much better for it. Mum was off for her walk and so I joined her….
Monday 2nd October – Mummy!
5:30am we got up and I had a quick shower before we packed it up and went down to the lobby. While Dad checked out I gave my ticket to the concierge and they gave me Scottie and my bags. We managed to fit all that into the back of the bus as well as…
Sunday 1st October – Race Day
We were up at 8am again since we’d both had enough sleep and I was feeling less than ordinary and Dad wasn’t much better. I searched through my belongings for some suitable drugs and when I couldn’t find any, Dad provided since he never travels without half a pharmacy of cold and flu medicine. I…
Saturday 30th September – F1 for my Birthday
Dad was the first to get up at 8am and I followed soon after. After a shower, he surprised me with a hug for my birthday, something that had pretty much slipped my mind. I was excited to see F1 cars for the first time in nearly a year as my present. We caught the…
Friday 29th September – Daddy!
There’s no Thursday on purpose since I didn’t experience any of it. At the end of my 13 hour flight to Taipei, it was Friday morning. I’d managed to get a decent amount of sleep making the flight go relatively quickly and the dinner and breakfast they served up was enough to tide me over…
Wednesday 27th September – Goodbye America
Shit scared. They’re the words that entered my head when I woke before my alarm. How was I going to be without Dan for months on end? When he woke, after I said good morning, I just said, “shit.” He knew exactly what I meant. My alarm went off and we didn’t muck around, having…
Tuesday 26th September – Near Death Experience
I was the snoozy one this morning despite the fact that Dan had been up until past midnight watching a TV series with me asleep on his torso. The wine from last night had got me tipsy and it made me want to sleep in a little. With no hunger pains from my tummy there…
Monday 25th September – Aussie Dinner
The only thing on the agenda today was cooking. Peter had cleared the kitchen for us, we were taking over his territory for the day. I had a vague plan in my head of what had to happen and a very dedicated Su chef who was willing to follow my every word. After our usual…
Sunday 24th September – Camelback Mountain
Nothing like the sleep in of yesterday, but we didn’t exactly spring into action either… We enjoyed our breakfast like we usually do, cooking up some eggs and bacon with a smoothie to wash it all down. We heard from Peter that Debbie had taken herself to the doctor to get her sickness sorted. When…