Tuesday 21st February – I’m So Sorry Astro

Thanks to the time difference I was up at bloody 5am or something stupid, so I hung out in Walmart like a cool kid, did some shopping to kill some time then finally drove over to the post office. Thanks to my experience with various American institutions, I was apprehensive, assuming only the worst as…

Monday 20th February – Thank You Mr. President

The fly net helped, but the buggers still pecked away at my feet. They must know that your feet are the body parts at the furthest swatting distance. I had some bites the size of quarters and they itched bad. Apart from that, I’d been pretty comfortable, happy to be out in the forest after…

Sunday 19th February – LIFT OFF!!!!

I woke up with an alarm and did my usual Walmart routine of using the disabled bathroom which has its own sink within the stall to wash my hair and face. When I got back outside, the dark clouds had turned into rain, but it was only gentle. I worried about the weather for the…

Friday 17th February – At Home in the Meadows

This morning felt almost like routine. I went into John’s place for a shower and hung out in the living room while Bernie cleared his stuff out of the apartment. John sounded like he’d decided to come with me to the Space X launch, something he’d been pondering for a few days, not able to…

Thursday 16th February – Tournament is Hotting Up!

This morning, I had energy to burn so I went for an out-of-character early morning run. I started at the eighteenth hole and worked my way back along the course following the golf cart path, ignoring the many signs that said jogging, cycling and skating were not allowed on the path. These people just make…

Tuesday 14th February – Bernie’s Tournament is Over

We both had a good sleep in the Walmart and I was off before Bernie. He was awake, but not in any state to get to the courts with me by 8am, so I left him some directions and head off. Stella had booked us an early court session for a hit and was already…