Sunday 6th August – Swapped Van for Tent

We still snoozed like the lazy dirtbags we were, but as soon as we were up, we didn’t muck around. We were excited to get hiking. Cereal for breakfast, we sat by the fire ring to eat then packed it up and left. Dan went first up the road since he was more capably equipped…

Saturday 5th August – Lazy Dirtbags

Our sleep was minorly interrupted during the night thanks to Cleo trying to chase shit from within the car and Dan thinking there were bears outside. Despite that, it was a great first night back in the Cabana. We snoozed all morning, the whole camp to ourselves. Our serenity was only broken when a lady…

Friday 4th August – The Rage is On

Predictably, I woke up at 5am. After giving myself fifteen minutes to get back to sleep and failing, I figured I might as well make use of the time and hit the road, without breakfast. I wanted to get across the border and know that I was done with American immigration once and for all….

Thursday 3rd August – Frisby in Revelstoke

After finally getting to sleep last night, I slept solidly until 9am which was a relief. Camp was still quiet as I made breakfast then head off west into Glacier National Park. Just after getting on the highway, I was driving through smoke. The smoke from the forest fire I’d skirted around yesterday was obviously…

Wednesday 2nd August – The Beauty of Banff

It was bloody cold in the morning and foggy too. It didn’t put me in the best mood for the day, but I was soon feeling lifted as I drove away from camp and head south on the highway towards the town of Banff. The clouds over the mountain parted and blue skies appeared while…

Tuesday 1st August – The Crowds of Banff

I’ve been sleeping terribly lately so I woke up tired after tossing and turning since 5am. I don’t think the late night sun helps. Most of the camp was still sleeping or had vacated already so it was quiet in the forest. After getting my $15 worth of toilet use, I wandered down to the…

Monday 31st July – Six Lakes and Great Karma

The northern summer sun is still playing with me. I was up early again. After the running around of yesterday, I had me a nice slow morning, practicing Spanish and doing a bit of reading over brekkie at my picnic table. It was past 9am when I finally left camp, not to return to this…

Sunday 30th July – No Rage :(

I was up early, excited for the day ahead. What I’ve eluded to until now is that Dan has been making his way north from Phoenix towards Banff. When it became clear he had a month to kill, it didn’t take long for him to decide to drive north and meet me. He’d been close…

Friday 28th July – Saskatchewan in a Flash

Not long after I got on the road, a reindeer grazing by the road bid me good morning and I left Manitoba for Saskatchewan. After the sign welcoming me into the new province, farmland stretched for miles in every direction with hardly a mound or non-fenced piece of land to break it up. This was…