Sunday 16th July – Missouri Midgets

This morning I was dying for a shower and happily enjoyed one since there was no one around. After that, I had cereal for breakfast then drove out of camp. After such a long bout of driving yesterday, I wasn’t too keen to get on the road again but resolved to make an early camp…

Saturday 15th July – Corn Fields and Cosmospheres

I woke up feeling almost sweaty from the couped up van, but it had been worth not getting bitten. For the first time in months, I did my usual morning routine of washing my face and making cereal for breakfast, all the while looking out at my surroundings. The sunrise was shining pretty rays through…

Friday 14th July – ‘Til the Next Rage

We woke pretty early thanks to the sun and hustle/bustle of the Walmart carpark. Despite the few “no overnight parking” signs I’d seen around the place, both the Astro and the Cabana had gone undisturbed throughout the nigh and the rain had gone again per usual morning practice. Feeling the need for a shower, we…

Thursday 13th July – We Don’t Pay for Pain

Miraculously, the clouds had cleared overnight and we were left with a relatively clear morning. Upon closer inspection (when we got out of the van), we found there were still plenty of white fluffies in the sky but none of them looked like they were holding any water. Anthony was out and about before we…

Wednesday 12th July – Astro Climbs to 14,115 feet!

Per usual, the rain had stopped by morning but the clouds hadn’t quite cleared. By the time we finished breakfast though, we could see the sun was out from behind the trees. After a short planning conference, the boys were happy to follow my lead and do a short hike in the forest before heading…

Tuesday 11th July – The Drive to Pikes Peak

For the first time, we woke to find the clouds of yesterday’s storms were lingering for the morning. It meant a colder start than we were used to but we were happy to find it meant the bugs weren’t out. I’d had a terrible night, plagued by itchy bites so much that when I couldn’t…

Monday 10th July – Happy Mountain Biking Family

I rolled over in bed around 5:30am to a gorgeous view into the valley. After a quick photo, I rolled straight back over. Anthony was gone by the time we woke up to get to his 6:30am photography workshop and by 8:30am most of the campers had cleared out. I used the porta-loos they had…

Sunday 9th July – Cleo the Trail Dog

We woke up when we wanted to and as Dan cooked egg and bacon bagels for breakfast, I set up the tarp over his car so he would have some shade while I was out riding. Because of the flies that were humbugging around, I also got out my fly net and hung it from…

Saturday 8th July – Making Bets

We missed sunrise over the mountains thanks to me being the lazy one again. The sky was clear and blue when we emerged from the van and as we made breakfast, we spoke to everyone that came up to the overlook to admire the view. One lady was so impressed with my setup she said…

Friday 7th July – Astro Climbs to 11,363 ft

Same start as usual, we woke and I blogged while Dan made breakfast in my kitchen. We were both feeling as though we hadn’t had a proper shower in a while so figured we’d go down to the creek we could see from camp and see if we could lather ourselves up with some soap….