For the first time, we woke to find the clouds of yesterday’s storms were lingering for the morning. It meant a colder start than we were used to but we were happy to find it meant the bugs weren’t out. I’d had a terrible night, plagued by itchy bites so much that when I couldn’t…
Monday 10th July – Happy Mountain Biking Family
I rolled over in bed around 5:30am to a gorgeous view into the valley. After a quick photo, I rolled straight back over. Anthony was gone by the time we woke up to get to his 6:30am photography workshop and by 8:30am most of the campers had cleared out. I used the porta-loos they had…
Sunday 9th July – Cleo the Trail Dog
We woke up when we wanted to and as Dan cooked egg and bacon bagels for breakfast, I set up the tarp over his car so he would have some shade while I was out riding. Because of the flies that were humbugging around, I also got out my fly net and hung it from…
Saturday 8th July – Making Bets
We missed sunrise over the mountains thanks to me being the lazy one again. The sky was clear and blue when we emerged from the van and as we made breakfast, we spoke to everyone that came up to the overlook to admire the view. One lady was so impressed with my setup she said…
Friday 7th July – Astro Climbs to 11,363 ft
Same start as usual, we woke and I blogged while Dan made breakfast in my kitchen. We were both feeling as though we hadn’t had a proper shower in a while so figured we’d go down to the creek we could see from camp and see if we could lather ourselves up with some soap….
Thursday 6th July – Tubing Class III Rapids
Dan was up earlier than me this morning, which is very out of character. I’d had a great sleep and couldn’t get enough, even though I was excited to get back on to the Animas river. When I rolled over to find Dan awake, he was reading my blogs on his phone, reliving our adventures…
Wednesday 5th July – Tubing the Animas!
Dan was really slow waking up this morning so I lay in bed catching up on my blogs while he snored. By 9am, I was itching to get going and was thinking about creeping off in my van to start the day and leave a note or something, but he rose. We spent all of…
Tuesday 4th July – Independence Day in Colorado
We had an uncharacteristically early start thanks to the bright sun and my need to get up and relieve myself. The view from the back doors was beautiful yet again so I was straight back in bed. Dan commanded me to lie in bed while he made breakfast. He already knew I’d be hungover from…
Monday 3rd July – Lazy Independence Day Eve
We had another late start to a beautiful morning in the forest. No hangovers to use as an excuse this time, but that didn’t matter to us! We played cards in bed (I won) before making breakfast. We were especially excited to cook up a storm this morning because we had a bit of mince…
Sunday 2nd July – Disc Hunting
We had a very, very lazy morning. We’d slept with our doors open to the forest and didn’t see any reason to hurry out of bed. We watched cars come and go along the dirt road and even spotted a few mountain bikers. Upon looking at my trail maps, I discovered we were parked right…