Thursday 15th June – No Hay Noobs Aquî (No Noobs Here)

We were one of the first to rise out of the van campers, I was thinking that everyone must have stayed up much later. I was fixing to go for a walk into town since we needed some supplies so we hooked Cleo up and started walking along the top of the cliffs. The Astro…

Monday 12th June – Pozo De Surf (Surfing Pit)

Our first blissful sleep in a while and our first city camp, we woke up late. Dan wasn’t happy, he’d been bitten all through the night by something or other and had bites all down his legs. He was pissed they’d only attacked him and not me. There was nothing we could see to tell…

Thursday 8th June – De Pobre A Rico (From Rags to Riches)

Cleo woke us, just like a kid on Christmas morning, climbing into her parents’ bed to inform them it was morning and time to open the presents! We obliged, opening the back door to a clearing marine fog over the waves. We all used the bathroom before retreating back into the van for a couple…

Wednesday 7th June – No Necesitamos Planos (We Don’t Need Plans)

Our camp had been perfect except for the 2am wake up call from the policia. Cleo’s growls were our first warning, but the real awakening happened when we saw the bright headlights shined at us and a male voice shouting something. Dan was faster to react than me, quickly grabbing some pants and shouting “Una…