Wednesday 17th May – 53.7 km and 5,768 ft

I had a rough sleep, full of anticipation, so I was relieved to hear the alarm go off and get out of bed, despite the cold outside. I was a huge snotty mess but sorted most of that out in the bathroom. I was not going to be deterred out of doing this hike. I…

Tuesday 16th May – A Lazy Day at the Grand

For the first time in months, I had trouble getting to sleep. Too much on my mind maybe? It definitely wasn’t to cold since I was toasty underneath my downie. When Kylie, Derek, Tom, Cat and I all got together, Kylie was getting over a cold. Derek then got it, then Cat and now it…

Monday 15th May – More Canyons

After breakfast and pack up, I was well ahead of the others, so I decided to break camp much ealier than them with the idea of meeting them at our next destination, the north rim of the Grand Canyon. I left around 10am and head north out of Bryce Canyon. While the others were taking…

Sunday 14th May – A Stroll in the City of Rocks

It was Mother’s Day at Bryce Canyon! While I’ll tell anyone I meet that every day is mother’s day, I thought it fitting to make pancakes for the Mum amongst us. I was up before everyone else so hopped to it. By the time everyone had emerged, I had a stack of pancakes for everyone…

Saturday 13th May – Hoodoo Sunset

I woke early, something I’ve been doing a lot lately thanks to the bright morning sun and lack of someone to snuggle with, so decided to make the most of it. No one else was up yet so I did a bit of packing up, had myself some cereal then wandered over to the visitor’s…

Friday 12th May – Avocado in my Armpit

Time for another round of Angel’s Landing! It was everyone’s first time but mine and I didn’t mind one bit. Three times and I’m still not sick of this hike. Before we left camp, I scavenged some firewood from a vacated camp across the way after consulted Cat on the ethics of doing such a…

Thursday 11th May – The Subway

Derek and I weren’t in any rush to get going on our “6-12 hour” hike since we wanted to wait for the day to warm up as much as possible. We all made breakfast and, since I’d packed the night before, it didn’t take much for us to be ready. Derek and I head off…

Wednesday 10th May – A Beautiful Day in Zion

According to our weather man Derek, the rain was supposed to stop at 7am so when I woke up to rain, I stayed in bed, assuming it wasn’t time yet. Turns out the weather man was wrong, it rained late. I heard Derek getting the tarp set up so I emerged shortly after. We did…

Tuesday 9th May – Cream Cheese

I slept in a little later than the family, trying to salvage a few more minutes of what had been a restless night. When I emerged, breakfast for them was already halfway done so I played catch up. Emma, Derek and Kylie’s three year old, had been too shy to say hello to me last…

Monday 8th May – Goodbye Dan, ‘Til We Rage Again

We had the most comfortable Walmart camp I’d ever experienced. Cleo had a nice sleep in and we were best friends again, she was obviously grateful for a nice place to sleep uninterrupted with her favourite guy and didn’t mind me sharing. I went in to Walmart to use the facilities and buy some bacon…