Sunday 7th May – Such a Shit Life

I don’t remember when we woke up but it wasn’t in any hurry. The sun was out after yesterday’s rain and it was warming up. We had absolutely nowhere to be (funny that) so we woke up slow. I opened the door of the van and we lay there, looking out at the glossy surface…

Saturday 6th May – The Whole Enchilada

I was up at 6am thanks to an alarm and drove away from camp at about 6:30am. Dan crept into the Presidential Lounge to sleep a bit more as I drove into the mountains to the trailhead of The Whole Enchilada. After doing my SPOT, my friend Derek had informed me that I should ride…

Friday 5th May – Chasing Phallus, Finding Rambo

We woke, half off the bed, but otherwise happy. We fixed the bed and didn’t even get out of bed before playing a round of cards. The competition was heating up so we were keen to get as many games in as possible. As we packed the cards up (we both won one round each)…

Thursday 4th May – Phallus Camp

We both wanted change of scenery after three nights at the one camp, so after faffing around per our usual routine of making hot chocolate and breakfast. We procrastinated packing up the workshop by playing some cards, until eventually got our shit together and packed up. We head off around 2pm, in search of greener…

Wednesday 3rd May – Dirtbag Workshop

Sunny morning this time and we were both excited to get to work on the scooter, but not before we made pancakes for breakfast. We for sure not going to get sick of that any time soon. I set up a tarp for shade and we had a workshop right inside camp. It was time…

Tuesday 2nd May – Back in the Saddle

I slept for over ten hours, maybe to get over my cold once and for all? It was cloudy and raining so I wasn’t as enthusiastic to go riding as I had been the night before. As a result, I dawdled in bed, not really ever getting out while Dan hung out in the van….

Monday 1st May – Free Advice

Another lazy start, there is somewhat of a trend starting here I think. I was super lethargic again and we both had sore throats. We agreed that this cold was the sick that kept on giving. We drove into town to find a motorbike shop to give us some help with the gudgeon pin of…

Sunday 30th April – Bye Jon, Happy Travels!

We had alarms set for the morning to get Jon to the train on time and both emerged from our respective vans at the same time. Dan and I hung out chatting while Jon got his stuff packed for his train to Denver, to be followed by a number of flights to Tokyo. We skipped…

Saturday 29th April – A Changed Van

Stoney beat us to it this morning, walking in the front door around 9am while I was still snoozing. I folded up the bed quick smart and got in the shower while Stoney got to making us pancakes (I know right, who is this guy?). Jon got to work clearing the three-inch thick layer of…

Friday 28th April – Abandoned Mill

Neither of us heard Stoney leave early in the morning, but we were both up when he came home to make us breakfast! Not kidding, he was on duty, but able to come back home and cook up a storm of bacon, eggs and hash potatoes. This guy is a catch! Jon and I enjoyed…