Tuesday 28th March – A Day at Camp

Dan and Cleo were off early in the morning to make a court date so I retreated from Air Force One and snuggled under the covers of my van for a lazy sleep in. I was alone for the first time since Kevin arrived. I used my isolation to snooze in and out of sleep…

Monday 27th March – But Wait, There’s More!

We both had a very sound sleep in the van, happy to be “back home” after all the hotelling. I made breakfast while Kevin built a new fire since we didn’t have anywhere to be in a hurry. After breakfast, I presented Kevin with Audrey’s story book and he was suitably impressed, I just hope…

Saturday 25th March – Snow Crazy

We woke to our alarm, carefully planned so that we would be on the mountain right at opening time to get our ski gear and lift tickets. We were both feeling seedy at best, violently ill at worst, but it got better once we got some food into us. Nothing like a dirty waffle in…

Friday 24th March – Easy Drunks

Another super lazy start to the morning, getting up only to make sure we got to the hotel brekkie before it closed at 9am. What a winner breakfast was. It was continental, which meant we both had boiled eggs on toasted English muffins, orange juice and a waffle doused in maple syrup. We were definitely…

Thursday 23rd March – White Out

Snow! And lots of it! I awoke to a noise on top of the van and looked out the window. When I saw the winter wonderland, I shouted at Kevin to look outside. Everything was covered in white! The noise I’d heard was snow shifting off my roof. The hail had obviously turned into a…

Wednesday 22nd March – Hangover Epic

Only four hours sleep, but we had plans to ride the mountains of Sedona a second time so we were up with the sun. Dan and I were anyway. The luxury of Air Force One was keeping Kevin comfortable a bit further into the morning. Dan and I emerged from the van to find that…

Tuesday 21st March – On the Cliffs of Sedona with Old Friends

We had a very laid back morning. We slept in until the bright sun became too much. Kevin lingered in bed while I set up our outdoor setting and did some blogging. We sat in the sun to combat the cool breeze while we had breakfast. After his coffee, Kevin entertained himself on the internet…

Monday 20th March – Kevin Broke Astro, I Broke Kevin

We had an alarm set this morning so we could be at the bike shop by 9am to pick up Kevin’s rental and make the most of the day, but it wasn’t to be. When I was wandering back from my morning bathroom stop, Kevin was standing at the back of the Astro and he…

Sunday 19th March – Sedona ATV Dirtbags

We woke to a hot van at around 8:30am and got up straightaway. It took a few goes to be ready to go into the bar for breakfast, me having to wet my hair to make it look respectable and Kevin having to change his shirt for one that didn’t have BBQ sauce stain on…