Saturday 18th March – Happy Birthday Kevin

We both had a good sleep in (Kevin more so than me) before getting up and making breakfast. Kevin pretty much knows where everything is in the van now so he could make his own coffee. He’s adjusting well to van life. Just before we left, Kevin wandered off to use the port-a-loo while I…

Friday 17th March – A Test of the Knee

Despite Kevin’s intentions last night, he enjoyed a sleep in while I turned over the giant log on the fire to create some morning flames. We’d put this massive log over the struggling fire before bed last night thinking there was no way it would burn, but it went up in some flames because it…

Thursday 16th March – Our First Epic

Considering it was our first night together in the van, it went pretty well, apart from Kevin overheating and me being too cold. After a constructive discussion, we had a few things to try for tonight to make us both more comfortable. We had more of a sleep in than I’m used to, a nice…

Wednesday 15th March – Two Days In, Already Naked

We made it through the night with all of our body parts intact and no midnight breakins. We were both happy to have had a good sleep on a comfy bed. Apart from an intermission at about 5:30am when I thought Kevin would be wide awake for good, we ended up sleeping in until 9:30am….

Tuesday 14th March – Kevin is Actually Here!

I woke up to my set alarm of 6am with the sun just making colour in the distance. It was a warm morning, a warning to the hot day to come. I’d enjoyed sleeping like a starfish on my big double bed that I had all to myself, but couldn’t afford the sleep in if…

Monday 13th March – Bye Tucson, I’m Spent

I had one more trail network to explore, the Fifty Year trails. I was up early because I was waiting on some news from Kevin so I’d had a restless sleep all night. Apprehensively, I checked my phone and the messages I saw from my mate were ones of flight confirmations and good news, he…

Sunday 12th March – I’d Rather Eat Dirt Than Cactus

Another day in beautiful Tucson. I had a sleep in and set up my outdoor camp for the day. My neighbour offered me her hammer when she saw me struggling to hammer a tent peg in with a rock. Even with the hammer I had no success, opting in the end to use rocks to…

Saturday 11th March – A Spot of Acupuncture

Back to the trails. I didn’t muck around this morning, but had my breakfast, got dressed for riding and head off to a different trailhead for Mount Tucson after saying goodbye to Larry since I didn’t know if I’d be coming back to this camp for the night. A got a bit lost on the…

Friday 10th March – The Town Too Tough to Die

Despite the morning sun, I managed to sleep in, due to exhaustion probably. I had decided that if I had any chance of enforcing a rest day, I had to get away from the trails so I devised a day-trip to the town of Tombstone about an hour and a half away. It was back…

Thursday 9th March – Queen of Tucson

“Today will be a rest day”. I’d had that same thought yesterday morning, but today it was more likely to happen. After breakfast, I finished my awning setup, very happy with the finished product, though I think if it becomes a regular thing, I’ll invest in a larger tarp. It was nice to sit outside…