Sunday 29th January – Going in Circles

Everything was seamless! My alarm went off at 5:30am, I packed myself some lunch like a good little tourist, rain jacket on to keep the wet off me, Maccas for the bathroom on the way to the ciruit and the ticket office was open! The only slight mishaps were the rain that while only gentle…

Saturday 28th January – Time for a Good Rant

Yay for Cracker Barrel! Conveniently, there was a Maccas right next door so facilities where I needed them in the morning. I drove on out to Flagler beach where I parked right at the beach and had breakfast looking out over the ocean. The wind was cold, but I braved it, sitting on the back…

Friday 27th January – Another Fort and a Cracker Camp

I was woken by the boy camp, but they weren’t being too boisterous so I wasn’t bothered. I made breakfast then got on to finishing the surfboard tie down. After the half-baked job of yesterday, it had come loose while driving so I was determined to do it properly this time. Thankfully there wasn’t too…

Japan, 2010

Prologue (written 18th Feb, 2018) Only hours after my final university exam, my boyfriend at the time Michael and I caught a cheap Jetstar flight to Japan.  We’d been learning Japanese for over a year, but unfortunately my engineering study meant I’d forgotten most of it. Undeterred, we were off, my first international travel experience,…

Thursday 26th January – An Afternoon with the Fishies

The sky was grey, but not raining and it was still warm. As I made an omelette for breakfast, Chris came over and we chatted away again for a good hour before I had to do some planning, so we said our goodbyes. He invited me to his wedding in April if I’m anywhere near…

Wednesday 25th January – My Idea of a Relaxed Day

The sun woke me, but I didn’t want any of it, I still felt tired. After trying to go back to sleep, I gave it away and went for a walk to the nearby lake with the intention of waking myself up with a stroll and filling one of my water containers so I could…

Tuesday 24th January – A Bit of Everything

My body ached all over, especially round the top from my work. Since I hadn’t called Red the night before, I called him this morning and asked if he was on for breakfast, which he was. I used the facilities inside Walmart, then head off ten minutes down the road to Richmond Hill. I got…

Monday 23rd January – The Mechanic, Part 2

After springing out of bed to blue skies, by the time I’d made breakfast it was raining again. Bugger. Despite the weather, I still drove down to Folly Beach before heading out of Charleston for good. I could still admire the beautiful beach houses despite the grey day and when I saw a few kites…

Sunday 22nd January – Drowned Rat

My second wet day in Charleston. Very wet. There was no sunrise walk this morning, in fact I lay in bed for quite a while just watching and listening to the rain pounding down. I was happy I didn’t wake up with a pool in the living room. I broke my fast inside the van,…

Saturday 21st January – Sunrise Over Sea

I had set an alarm last night for 6:15am so I could be up and on a beach for sunrise. I wanted to see the sun rise over the ocean, another thing I hadn’t seen since leaving home. While there were heavy clouds in the sky and some drops on my windows, it wasn’t raining…