Friday 2nd December – Isolated in Badlands

The wind was back. Not as bad as South Dakota, but I dreaded the thought. I stayed inside the van to watch sunrise which was worth setting the alarm for, but unfortunately I’d got the angle of the van wrong by about 45 degrees, so it wasn’t the comfortable “roll over and watch sunset” situation…

Thursday 1st December – Planes and a LOT of Buffalo

My first Walmart camp went as well as could be expected. I strategically went to the bathroom around 9pm to ensure I’d get through the night (don’t I sound like an old lady?) and in doing so, I encountered a drunk/high/stupid man in the female bathroom, taking a shit, stall door wide open. Eyes forward!!…

Wednesday 30th November – Interior Decorating

The van had stopped rocking some time during the night and I woke to relative calm, or so I thought. There was still a few determined gusts every now and then but I think the worst was over. I enjoyed a slow start to the morning, again making breakfast inside the van, only cereal this…

Tuesday 29th November – Nothing to Report

Not even a single photo. I slept in as predicted, drifting in and out of sleep well after the sun rose as the van rocked back and forth from the wind. It had worsened overnight. When I spoke to Dad last night, he put a bug in my ear, have I ever considered just relaxing…

Monday 28th November – Riding and Racing

It had been a windy night and the wind carried on into the morning, I could see the tall pines in Cara’s neighbourhood not just waving, but bending. There must have been comings and goings in the driveway as I slept because the Prius transformed itself into a truck, then the next time I looked…

Happy Anniversary – A Month in Numbers

On October 27th, it has been a month since I started life as Astro Chick and called the Astro my home. I won’t reflect on all of my adventures since they’ve been laid out day-to-day. Instead, this is all about data! The Money Total cost for the month = $1,615.55 ($1,231.69 if you don’t include…

Sunday 27th November – Hello Chicken!

When I made for the bathroom this morning, busting for the toilet, I was stopped by a pair of campers in the back of a truck, enjoying the free camping as much as me. We chatted as long as I could hold on, then I excused myself and came back to talk at a more…

Saturday 26th November – Patriotism

I actually had sore legs when I woke up! I’m coming to understand just how much riding to and from work kept me in shape. Maybe when it gets warmer I’ll have to start going for morning and afternoon runs. Haha, that’ll never happen. I’d had a good sleep and was on for a rest…

Friday 25th November – Ride of the Setting Sun

The snowless atmosphere of camp gave me a false impression of warmth. It was as cold as ever this morning (sorry if I sound like a broken record, but it really is quite cold, -6oC in the van this time). It was nice to have a heated bathroom to retreat to at least. A woman…

Thursday 24th November – Happy Thanksgiving!

No frost on my blanket this morning thankfully. With the new “warmth” (it was 1oC) I decided to give my hair a wash. It’s easy to neglect the oily mess when I’m wearing a beanie constantly, but I felt like a freshen up. I heated some water and was startled to find how much hair…