Clear Creek Canyon

I don’t know if I should be writing about this…. When you Google “Clear Creek Canyon” you find out about a place near Denver, CO. When you Google “Clear Creek” you learn a lot about water treatment plants. Even “Clear Creek Reservoir”, the official name of the place, you have to go about 5 links…

Red Wedding

My weekend began with Ali. On the 3:45 train home from Palo Alto, I spent the first ten minutes of the journey on the phone to AirBnB, trying to get some money out of them (long story). As soon as I hung up, the man in front of me turned around in his seat and…

What is SLAC?

“Welcome to SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory! We are glad you have joined our team as we explore the ultimate structure and dynamics of matter and the properties of energy, space and time – at the smallest and largest scales, in the fastest processes and at the highest energies. Here, scientists, engineers, technicians and support professionals…

Friday 12th January – Farm, Sweet, Farm

We were getting used to early starts but I was still up before Sheldan. Despite the early morning chill, I was keen to use the shower facilities and so braved the cold water to freshen myself up. Sheldan cooked himself sausages and onions on the bbq for breakfast while I had cereal as I blogged…

Thursday 11th January – The (Anti?) Climax of Esperance

I was up super early because I saw blue sky out of the tent and got excited. It was only 6am when I snuck around the back of the public kitchen area to have a sneaky shower with my water bottle. Sheldan was still in the tent when I got back to camp and made…

Wednesday 10th January – Indecision To the Wind

I had my first great sleep the whole trip and since the tent flaps weren’t bouncing against the tent I was excited to get out and see our beautiful camp before 7am had rolled around. I was up before anyone else in the camp and I made the most of it. The sky was cloudy…

Tuesday 9th January – Coast, More Coast, Then The Jackpot

We didn’t muck around in the morning, but we didn’t rush either. With every day that passes we are getting into more of a rhythm. Our camping mate was long gone very early so we didn’t see any of him. Unfortunately, we didn’t see any more of Caroline or Dora either. I drove us out…

Monday 8th January – Really, Really Tall Trees

We didn’t hang around camp too long in the morning on account of the lack of views etc. Mr. Fuzzball was still hanging around as we were eating breakfast, the little shit. We both had semi-showers since we were feeling the grime, but we were soon on the road heading back into Pemberton. Before we…

Sunday 7th January – A Fail and a Wobble

Early morning wake up as usual thanks to the bright yellow of the tent amplifying the sun’s rays. Thankfully I didn’t feel too seedy from all the beer and Sheldan seemed to have come out alright as well. I suggested he make breakfast while I did some writing and he produced some bacon and egg…

Saturday 6th January – The Longest Jetty

We both had a rough-ish night even though the wind had died down, expected since it was our first night in new digs. I was up at 7:30am to a bright sun and a light breeze. Sheldan showed no sign of rising so I went off for a run to get myself nice and warm…