We’d survived the cold night, all three of us having slept soundly. Surprise, surprise, we didn’t have anywhere to be in a hurry so we had ourselves a slow morning. Dan was determined to do a Hawaiian-ish breakfast so got to cooking while I sat in bed watching. He steamed some rice, then fried up…
Monday 18th September – Cleo Finally Got One!
When I woke up, I was too excited to lay there any longer. I was a little bit cold and the prospect of warming myself up by a fire was too good to stay in bed. Me and Cleo got up while Dan snoozed. Cleo seemed perfectly happy running around in her jumper and she’d…
Sunday 17th September – Dan the Tour Guide
It had been way colder than we expected last night and we all suffered for it. We closed the doors maybe too late, letting too much cold air in and spent the first half of the night huddling close to stay warm. When that failed, we put clothes on, but our feet tingled with cold….
Saturday 16th September – Lava River Cave
We surprise ourselves sometimes with how lazy we can actually be. The sun was shining in through the rear doors of the Cabana and our new bedding made the place so comfortable it was hard to justify leaving. And so, we didn’t. We rolled around in bed for hours, looking at stuff on the internet…
Friday 15th September – To Flag!
Another easy morning, but this time we had somewhere to be. Not in any hurry of course. When we came out to the kitchen, Debbie already had pancakes on the go so we just added a couple of eggs and a pair of smoothies and we were set for the day. While I was waiting…
Thursday 14th September – A Little Bit of Something
Determined to actually achieve something today, we got up a little earlier than yesterday and I had a crack at making smoothies while Dan combined pulled pork and eggs to make a sweet omelette. When Debbie went out to run some errands, we did the same. We started at AutoZone where Dan bought a refrigerant…
Wednesday 13th September – A Whole Lot Of Nothing
Predictably, we woke pretty late and after much snoozing around in bed, we presented ourselves in the kitchen where Dan discovered that my stomach was still trying to recover from Half Dome. After feeding me pork chops, I made some eggs and Dan whipped up smoothies that filled us up for the rest of the…
Tuesday 12th September – Flying to Rage
Alarm off at 6:45am, I was up for another shower. Vanessa was up shortly after for her morning routine. When I was ready, I said I’d meet her in the garage and went down to do some more organising with my bags and to put her car back in order. She met me at the…
Monday 11th September – Hardly Functioning
Surprisingly, I barely slept last night. I had expected to fall straight asleep after falling into my air mattress but instead I tossed and turned all night and by 7:30am, the light of my tent was bright and I was completely awake and starving. While Kathi and Shannon slept, I got some water boiling for…
Sunday 10th September – Snake Dike
“Half Dome is unclimbable; a perfectly inaccessible peak which never has been, and never will be, trodden by human foot” – California Geological Survey, 1860s Prologue Rob and I went climbing in the gym on Tuesday and formed a loose plan that maybe we could climb Snake Dike, a 5.7R route that winds up the…